NADRA BIO-METRIC VERIFICATION for Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control Department Islamabad. Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Control Department, Islamabad is required a NADRA Bio-metric Verification for all vehicles at the time of New Registration Transfer of Ownership So please carefully purchase the vehicles registered under E.T.O. Islamabad specially from OLX or other Online Source. NADRA makes available Bio-metric Verification Service to be used by general Public for first time in Pakistan. This service is available on selected NADRA E-Sahulat Franchises. The identity of any Pakistani Citizens can be now bio-metrically verified in real-time through 1:1 fingerprint matching . Now there is two ways to re-check the NADRA Bio-Metric Slip. 1) under ONLINE SERVICES TAB PLZ SELECT THE BIO-METRIC RECEIPT VERIFICATION. 2) Please ensure that the provided NADRA Bio-Metric Recei